Friday, January 23, 2009

In Obama-History!

I watched the Obama inauguration from start to finish in my cubicle at my day job. I watched it with a couple of my peers who were completely captivated by the historical moment. However I was taken back by the fact the majority of my co-workers were on the surface disinterested and when probed looked at the event with contempt. I heard comments like "what has he done."... " He's a socialist"..."you think he is our savior".

Regardless of politics we have to acknowledge this is a landmark event for our country. Barack Obama is indeed the first African-American president and not only did he win a general election he won by a substantial margin. This one event legitimizes the civil rights movement and represents a culmination of a 150 year struggle to achieve equality for many African-American citizens. The history is not just in his inauguration as the first president of color but in the fact that the American Public elected him for the hope he represented.

I have to admit that I am an avid Obama supporter. I did not vote for him in the Utah primary election ( I voted for Hilary) but I was converted in part by my children who are of voting age and by his reasoned message that was always thoughtfully and eloquently delivered. I wanted a clear break from the Bush policies that not only discredited our great nation but threatened the integrity of our constitution. I have been impressed by the folks who have crossed party lines to support this man as well. Men and women who have unquestionable integrity like Colin Powell.

I have a dear friend who is upset that Obama in his first three days in office has issued 5 executive orders and one of them ordering the close of GITMO. She said she believed these were the actions of a king and not a president. I believe we are seeing a man who knows the weight and the importance of his office and the constitution acting to reverse perverse wrongs that we allowed the last president impose on not only the world but his own people.

I am concerned that many Americans, pushed by their own political prejudice are rooting for Obama to fail. Rush Limbaugh recently said on his radio show that he wanted Obama to fail. He went on to say that he didn't want the liberal policies to be successful. My questions is if it works why do we not want it to be successful. I don't see how we can defend the last 8 years or at the end of the day say this country is better off.


  1. I'm not a liberal, but I don't necessarily consider myself a Republican either. I grew up on the west-side of Salt Lake and I think that up-bringing helped me become more tolerant towards others (as compared to my parents, grandparents, etc). I mean tolerant in several different aspects - tolerant to others of different race, different religion, different polical views, and different abilities.

    I'm young. This was the first presidential election that I was old enough to vote. My generation is becoming old enough to help choose our leaders. I did not vote for Obama, but I am not ANGRY that he won. Obama stands for change. We need change.

    Obama has made history. It's about time. I don't doubt that "my generation" has at least something to do with it. I don't want Obama to fail. I want him to make the right choices for our country. Quite frankly, that's all I care about. Good choices. I know Bush made some very poor choices, and now we have to suffer the consequences. I want the consequences of good choices...

  2. I had to give Bob Lonsberry (morning guy for KNRS) credit the day after the election. He stated that McCain was his man, but since Obama won it would be good for America if he succeeds. It seems logical to me that you would want the President to have a successful term regardless of party. I too have been disappointed to see so many die-hard republicans crossing their fingers in hopes that Obama fails. What displaced and twisted loyalty... to be so wedded to an idea that you want your idea to triumph even if it is bad, and your opponents to fail, even if it is working. My hope is that folks like Rush, in their extreme, would put off people who would normally follow in his wake... but can't go with him to his dark desires.
