Friday, September 27, 2013

Alvordia the new capitol of Glennbeckistan!

David Alvord is at it again!

From the last post on his Facebook page:

Mayor Osborne is not as conservative as the people of South Jordan... For example, Osborne favors the Marketplace Fairness Act. But worse than that, Osborne used his influence as Mayor to *expand* the tax-collecting ability of the government.
What the act does: is to allow government to collect taxes that it should otherwise be entitled to collect.  Taxes that local business pay but that internet business are not assessed giving them an un fair advantage.  

The real thing going on here is this:  David has cast himself as a liberal hating conservative.  This is evident in this statement: 
Secondly, it's a misnomer. Much like the "affordable care act" makes healthcare more un-affordable for many of us, 

See that.  He he warning us about the bogey man by invoking Obama (or an Obama policy).

Scott Osborne made a case for supporting the Marketplace Fairness act.  Specifically because it leveled the playing field for small local businesses.

Osborne responded on Alvord's page.  It was promptly deleted.  When questioned Alvord's responsed:
 Osborne's argument is on his page. But let me close with this: The Marketplace fairness act is widely discussed on Wikipedia and other sources.
Heritage foundation opposes it on constitutional grounds, while President Obama supports it. You can infer what you want from this information.

Read up on it. Take a position, and decide if you like it. I don't. Osborne does.

The people deserve to know where we stand. 
Read up on it. Take a position, and decide if you like it. I don't. Osborne does. 
The people deserve to know where we stand. 
But I'm not going to use my campaign page to let Osborne spread the talking points of the left. 
Again it is about the Bogey man Obama and Alvord is willing to forgo any type of reason if the words or Obama or Liberal are any where near it.  

So what is the big deal?  The Mayoral election ins a non-partisan election.  It is about supporting the voters in South Jordan.  It is not about the divisive political ideology.  David would have you believe that the Mayor's office has something to do with the passage an enforcement of federal legislation.  It doesn't he knows it but he would have you believe that the Liberals are out to destroy the country.  What he fails to acknowledge is the Conservatives have beat us to it.

The following comments, in my opinion say much:

Of course, not all of South Jordan is conservative... and there are plenty who vary from issue to issue as to what label may best suit them. I hope whomever is elected mayor will approach issues with the perspective of how they best serve South Jordan residents as a whole, and not be overly concerned with party ideologies.~Andrew Hackman
And these two:
"I'm not going to allow my campaign page to represent those in the community who may disagree with me. That's why I'm campaigning for political office, to represent my needs." 
 It seems to me he is running on a "look, I'm Mormon, conservative, and hate taxes" platform, not an informed one. ~Revrnd Skyler Dudley
A vote for David Alvord is a vote for the increasing depths of despair that divisive politics inflicts on a community.  It is a vote to make South Jordan the new Alvordia, the capital of Glenn Beckistan

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why would David Alvord's Religious Beliefs Matter to Me?

In my last post, I told you why I thought David Alvord was bad for South Jordan.  The post found itself on a Facebook page called the South Jordan On-Line News.  This link brought out many of David's supporters.  Through careful research (by quickly looking at the public feed on my Facebook page), They figured out that I don't care for religion in general and Mormonism specifically.  That makes me an ANTI-MORMON who can readily dismissed.

I was only going after David because he is a Mormon and I hate Mormons!

Now really!

Kent Money is a Mormon and I voted for him.  Brian Butters is a Mormon and I supported him.  I am willing to bet Mayor Osborne is a Mormon as well.

David, for some reason, had been banned from the South Jordan On-Line news site because of something he or his campaign or someone supporting him did with or without his knowledge...  He was not allowed to comment but several of his supporters were getting talking points from him.  David's behavior, according to them, was acceptable because he was defending the Book of Mormon

I made it clear that my objections to David Alvord's candidacy for mayor of South Jordan was about 1) His temperament makes him ill suited to be an inclusive leader of the city.  2) He isn't willing to follow ordinances in the City if they don't suit him or his agenda. 3) He knows little about what cutting taxes and increasing spending (ALA George W. Bush Economic Policy) will do to the city.  4) He does not favor and expansive South Jordan that supports all socio-ecomomic contributors.  5) His desire to limit population growth to the "Right Kind of Housing" makes business growth stagnant.

Now personally, I wouldn't vote for David BECAUSE of his religious beliefs.  Not because he has them but because of how he applies them.  His supporters were correct.  David and I were having a public Facebook debate about the Book of Mormon.  He, of course, rolled out 'it is definitely an ancient text we know that because of chiasmus'.  When challenged on this, he provided studies... from apologists and faithful Mormons.  When his sources were questioned and the non-confirming peer review was presented he became agitated and started name calling.  When the DNA evidence was presented, he said science couldn't be trusted...

What became clear was it didn't matter if it was true!  It didn't matter what the evidence showed, he believed it and that was enough.  It was enough to ignore the evidence and to behave mean spiritedly.  It is enough for him to think himself above reproach and certainly above any type of introspection.  He showed that he was a miserable human being who was justified because he was a man of deep spiritual conviction.

I could not support this kind of individual in a leadership role in my community.  He places ideology and theology above evidence.  This is fine when he is writing his tithing check.  It is not fine when he is making decisions for an entire population or representing that population as their ambassador.  You see, you cannot bring canal water to the entire South Jordan population and cut taxes at the same time.  At least, not with out damaging the operation of the city.  You cannot be pro-growth and end high density housing at the same time.    The math just doesn't support it.

Oh wait, that involves looking at the evidence... something that is not required if you're David Alvord.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

David Alvord is Bad for South Jordan

I have known David Alvord for approximately 7 or so years.  I first met him when my oldest son needed dental work.  As a dentist, David Alvord is capable and friendly.  I never had a problem getting my kids to go to his office.  The services he provided were at the market price.  He was neither inexpensive or too expensive.  I liked his office staff and he was centrally located.

'So what's your problem with Dave then?', you might ask.  My problem with David Alvord is that I don't think he has the temperament to be a successful leader in South Jordan politics.  He is not community minded.  In fact, based on my interactions with David, both personal and through Facebook, I would have to say he is "David" minded.

David entered into a Facebook "debate" with me over religion.  In this particular instance, he used his "professional profile' for this debate. This was during the Facebook period where your comments were emailed on the thread.  When he became frustrated he turned personal attacks.  Attacks like referring to me as some kind of idiot.  Now, he thought better of it and deleted the comment but not before it had been emailed to me.

David adamantly denied that science was useful saying that he was more about applied science not about everything under the umbrella of science.  In the middle of the debate he sent me a personal message to make sure that I would still feel comfortable about coming to his practice.  I mean he would hate to loose a patient over his narrow view of science because that would not be "David" minded.  I am not sure if he is aware but he did loose a patient or two who had been watching the debate unfold.

The second interaction I had with David was over South Jordan's requirement that businesses that employ over 20 people or that are dangerous or in a medical field carry an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator on the premises.  The purpose of the law is to get more of the AED's into the community where they have the possibility to be deployed.  You see, the quicker a heart attack victim gets access to an AED the higher the rate of survival.  A medical professional is the best person to deploy the device.  David of course objected to this.  He took the argument to Facebook through his professional profile.  His argument is that it was an unnecessary expense and that people would think getting a filling was risky.  He then posted a scientific study that proved you were not at a risk of having a heart attack from seeing the dentist.  You know one of those sciencey studies that he is not fond of.

You see David missed the point.  He is a man of means and privilege that could have used that means for the community good.  Instead, he looked out for David in one of the most selfish acts I have seen a medical profession engage in.  Second only to the doctor who refused to see a child, on an urgent visit, because the child's parents had to file for bankruptcy and couldn't pay his bill.

The second reason I cannot support David Alvord for South Jordan Mayor is that he doesn't really understand government.  He wants to cut taxes.  His primary opponent showed that South Jordan Taxes are in the middle.  Not hight not low.  The community enjoys an exceptional quality of life.  That quality of life is in part because of tax dollars.  If there was one thing I was impressed with in South Jordan, it was in the management and planning for the use of community tax dollars.  For most projects, they saved as to not create a debt burden on the citizens.

At the same time he cuts taxes, he also wants to bring canal or secondary water the remaining 70% of the city.  Does he not realize a major infrastructure undertaking that is?  How much money and resources it will use up?  While I think is a great idea to have secondary water to water lawns with,  He can't do both.  He also can't do this immediately.

David doesn't know what the mayor does and also seems to be missing this point: As Kent Money pointed out to me in 2005, the mayor's office is a figure head position.  It has no real influence on the direction of the city.  The city is controlled by the City Manager and the city council.

Finally, David does not favor a South Jordan that welcomes everyone and is inclusive.  He favors one that favors "David".  Limiting high density housing and rezoning the city back to single family homes only ensures that the community will be made up of the top 10% and the rest of the scale will be underrepresented.  South Jordan is already a tough place to live if your are not a home owner.  If you rent. the City doesn't consider you to be credit worthy to have your own water bill.  Under David, the unwelcome matt will be rolled out further.  I wonder how many high density residents he would deny dental service to?  I am sure its not many. You see, the policy of keeping "the other" out doesn't help business grow.  90% of the housing starts in South Jordan have been high density single family homes because that is what the economy supported.

So, given the scope of the Mayor's authority, South Jordan needs an ambassador first.  I don't think David Alvord would make a good ambassador.  He does not see that South Jordan needs to be a city that is inclusive. He is not community minded. He is "David" Minded.  The rest of you are on your own.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

It'll Stunt Your Growth

This photo of a child smoking caught my attention today.   When it was taken, I am sure there was nothing wrong with putting a cigarette in a small child's mouth.  It was funny.  I mean after all what did we know about smoking back then?  Today we would consider this abuse. After all, what where her parents thinking.

I had a Facebook friend who recently suggested parents should have the freedom to raise their children in any manner they chose even if that meant exposing them to dangerous factory work at a young age.  I of course took exception with this attitude.  

I have a similar reaction when parents expose their children to religious indoctrination.  I have seen perfectly reasonable children turned into self loathing followers.  I additionally have seen them ignore important flaws in their religion.  Those flaws, when observed with a critical eye, proves the claims of the institution false.  If they don't absolutely prove it they certainly cast doubt on its validity. 

There is something about indoctrination that causes us to compartmentalize our beliefs and to shield them from critical examination.  The indoctrination as a child, carries over to adult hood and derails the critical thought process.  

I have had believers testify to me that they know of many who are religious and critical thinkers. I submit this can only occur through compartmentalizing your beliefs.  It is in this attempt I hear statements like, 'god can not be judged by physical laws' or 'we cannot understand god the way we under stand the physical world'.  As a result they come to know what they don't understand or cannot prove as evidence god.  It is fallacious but imperceptible to them.

When critical thinking is applied to those ingrained beliefs it is often emotionally painful.  For some it is too painful for them to complete the journey. Others explore other paths such as mysticism or alternative medicine or engage in government conspiracy theories because they don't really know how to fully apply critical thought.    

My mother used to tell me I should avoid cigarettes because they would stump my growth.  I see religion in the same way.  I am as apt to give my children a cigarette as I am to teach them to worship a myth.  In many ways I think the cigarette is less harmful.