Monday, March 29, 2010

45 And Counting

I turned 45 on Saturday. For me it was a somewhat emotional day. Not because I had come to the sudden realization that half my life was over and I had accomplished nothing; Not because I was in the middle of a mid life crisis; not because my children broke my laptop computer.

The reality is that I really don't care for birthdays and especially my own. Every March 27th a "Kevin New Year" begins and the old one closes. Sometimes I stop to think about what I have accomplished in my life and it always seems to me that there is little to reflect upon.

This year was different. The run up to the day was as anyone would expect. Uneventful with probing questions from my wife as to what I wanted for my special day. They day before the first facebook notification came in wishing me a happy birthday. From that post and well in to the 28th there was a steady stream of birthday wishes.

Okay, I am aware that Facebook kind or makes it easy for folks to send birthday wishes and just because I get a few postings I shouldn't be deluded into thinking I am "popular". I wasn't. What did catch my attention was the occasional acknowledgement from the folks who I had some how influenced either from my blog, my careers, the theatre company I helped co-found, or the folks who are just my good friends and of course my lovely wife and my children.

I hope at 45 I am just at the beginning of leaving a small mark on the history of this planet. In the short term... it is good to have friends and so many of them. Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday.... and it was.

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