Friday, March 19, 2010

Tribal Vs Family Values

There is not a term that grates on me more than "Family Values" Not because I have anything against the family unit nor do I fail to value the family unit (I do come from one and have created one) but because it is a code word for hate, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, and self righteousness.

Indeed "family values" represents the doctrine of conservatism, and in this country the doctrine of Christian conservatism. It comes about under the sheep's clothing of providing public policy that supports and protects the family unit. It is against pornography, nudity, immodesty, vulgarity, evolution, global warming, and a myriad of other conservatives causes.

The "Family Values" caucus is responsible for absurd practices like covering legally distributed magazines in the local grocery stores because someone might become aroused by cleavage. Frankly, I think this brings more attention to the periodical and increases the likelihood that little Johnny with become titillated by the airbrushed bombshell on the cover. I find it concerning that we allow any group determine what is potentially offensive to others and the exert their brand of control on that stimulus. I personally think that if you cover the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition or the Women's Fitness magazines because it sexualizes women; we should also cover Modern Bride...after all you know what they are about to do?

In addition to censorship they are also the ones who have lobbied against advertisements of The Gardasil Vaccine, open discussion in public school health classes of the use of condoms as a way to prevent disease and pregnancy to our teens even with our permission. They are first to push capitalism even as it leads to the demise of the family unit through increased work hours and reduced benefits for the parents charged with providing for the family and ultimately a meager retirement for the elderly. They are also the first to push out family members who have been born gay and are foolish enough to acknowledge it and to warn us against social justice.

On its face the "Family Values" unit appears to represent the "Values of Christ" but under the banter of family values celebrities Like Rush, Glen Beck, Dr. Laura, and Sean Hannity, the values of Jesus look more like this....

Unfortunately the family is not really well served by rigid doctrine. It allows no room for mistake, growth or progress. While engaged in pulpit pounding demanding that Americans engage in personal responsibility they fail to acknowledge that everyone is dealt a hand that is somewhat random and not everything is in your control. When those who are poor, liberal, or non-Christian make mistakes, or are dealt with an overwhelming hand, the family values caucus is the first to eviscerate the sinner. However when a man like Rush admits he is addicted to drugs, or like Kevin Garn admits he had an illegal sexual encounter...they are first to circle the wagons. They cannot even give the opposing side credit when they say something that makes sense. Ultimately this is not family values it is Tribal values and is not meant to benefit humanity but to defend the ways of tribe no matter how dysfunctional...

This video was brought to my attention by Leah Elliot of The Whore of All the Earth. It discuss how we are wired as humans in our decisions about what is moral:

I think it is interesting How Jonathon Haidt identifies the the characteristics that form the conservative and liberal moral identities. The two of the five assigned to liberals is Harm(protection) and Fairness. The two assigned to conservatives is Respect for Authority and In group Loyalty. The conservatives "family values", it would seem are about the tribe and keeping control. The liberal values are about valuing humanity and I think are a better fit for my family.


  1. This picture seems appropriate:

  2. Thanks Matt, I loved that and have said pretty much the same things.

  3. great TED, thanks for shining a light on it. I find it fascinating when people can articulate the things on my mind. =D
    Thanks to whoever deserves the thanks for posting your blog on reddit

  4. Awesome. Well spoken, well said. I watched the whole 18 minutes and felt why I was a Sociology Major in college. A REAL college. One with a campus and not a room number in an office building.

  5. While I'm definitely not a fan of the family values caucus, I get rather annoyed at all the magazine covers at the grocery store checkout lines. If they want to put them in the magazine aisle, that's fine, but I don't enjoy being bombarded with airbrushed women telling me how to lose weight and give my partner perfect sex every time I buy food, especially when there's almost no other place to look. I actually appreciate those little black cover-up things. That TED talk is great.

  6. Leisure, Why not just ignore the covers. I am personally more offended at the control exerted with the covers than I am with the content. In fact I don't mind the content at all. I am more annoyed at the Inquirer covers than I am Cosmo but I would not ask it be covered. In fact I am more likely to look under the cover to see why it was covered. I have also been known to move the cover to hide something I find equally foolish like Modern Bride.

  7. Great post. I particularly like your point about how capitalism directly challenges family values! We are expected to work far too many hours in this country.

  8. Thanks Leah, Welcome to my blog. I have enjoyed yours. It is well reasoned and well written.

  9. Supply-Side Jesus is my new favorite character. He's the perfect example of what doesn't make sense with the religious right.
    Thanks for posting!
