Saturday, April 30, 2011

You Know Were You Can Put Your Passive-aggressive Flag!!!

I am sure it is well known to the readers of the blog how I think of fundamentalist thinking.  Today is no exception.  The strangest thing happened today.  We live in an upscale neighborhood by the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in Daybreak, South Jordan, UT.  We moved into this home about 8 months ago.  The house has a flag pole.  It had a flag on it with tattered edges.  We replaced that flag with our own.  The flag has not weathered the winter sun well.  It became tattered and faded and bound itself around the flag pole.

I was sitting in my office proofing a paper that my lovely wife had written.  I saw a shadow flash across the blinds of the window that faces the porch.  There was a thump like a package had been delivered at the front door but no knock at the door and no door bell.  I have been waiting for a text book that was supposed to be delivered today and I assumed that was it.  I did not immediately get up and go to the door instead I continued to proof the paper.  Several minutes later I got up and went to the door.  There was a package on the door step.  I was a distinctive red white and blue box.  I opened it and found our tattered flag inside with an advertisement to have the flag repaired and the care and proper handling instructions for the American flag.    There was a new flag on the pole.

Oh how nice right?  Wrong!  Passive-aggressive self-righteous behavior is never nice.  I am aware that some people wear their patriotism on their sleeve and know in their heart that this is the greatest country in the world!  I know to them our tattered flag is an insult to their patriotism.  Such an insult that they were spurred into action to replace our flag and to rub our noses in their patriotism.  This chicken shit act of anonymously replacing our flag, coming on to our property, and self-righteously depositing our tattered flag on the porch with "protocol" instructions doesn't make you a patriot it makes you an ugly-American.  

Ugly American is an epithet used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home.
As we have walked in our front door over the last 6 weeks or so, we have been aware that the flag needed to come down.  We have had a couple of conversations about that.  However, with the demands of our family, my school load, and the extra care my ill mother has taken..... the condition of that flag has ranked last on my priorities.

You might be tempted to say that nice neighbor did you a favor. They didn't!  My wife has been humiliated by the thoughtless act.  She has told me that our next move will take us out of Daybreak and out of South Jordan.  She stated unequivocally that she hates living here.  She cried for the better part of an hour.  She already felt like a misfit because was we don't assimilate into the local culture.  This was the straw.

The American flag is not a sacred symbol to me and I refuse to bestow a piece of cloth with any amount of adoration.  I am not a chest thumping patriot.  I don't think that America is beyond reproach.  I think there are several other countries I could live in and thrive in.  I am as much as a citizen of the world and humanity as I am an American.  I won't ever say if you live in America you had better learn goddamn English.  I don't give members of the military extra respect because they served the "country".  I served the country for 25 years domestically as a police officer.  I have been shot at, physically assaulted and willing put myself in harms way to protect the very thing that was taken from my wife today.... the right to live peacefully the way she chooses.

I don't know who was responsible because they didn't have the personal integrity to knock on my door.  The net result of their action is that my wife feels more isolated than ever.  I personally resent their fundamental patriotism and would have no problem telling them that to their face!


  1. Ugh! How obnoxious! People who put patriotism, religion, or any viewpoint above common courtesy are doing a dis-service on both levels. Don't let asses get to ya.

    On another note, is your wife taking classes too?

  2. You should buy another flag and fly it. Like a bad religion flag or an anarchy flag.

  3. @ Andrew, No she was writing a paper for her Dad's 80th birthday celebration. I know she should not let it bother her but it really humiliated her and broke her heart.

    @ Sky, Unfortunately we cannot fly any flags in Daybreak except the American Flag on a flag pole. I would be inclined to fly the "A" for Atheist.

  4. Hey you're in Daybreak too? Nice to know. We moved out here from Sugarhouse and I have to say - it was an adjustment for me. We've found a few friends in the neighborhood that aren't fundies and it's really helped. I was planning on putting the pride flag out in June. I wonder how well that will go down. I would put your tattered flag back out and post a note on your door expressing yourself (perhaps just printing this post out) and see if the suspect returns again. I would also consider getting a lockbox for your flagpole. Regardless of how "thoughtful" the person thought they were being, they were trespassing onto your private property. Also, perhaps you should make your concerns known to our HOA or community group. Candis Bowen ( or 8012548062) sends out the monthly newsletter and could most definitely direct you to the appropriate people.

  5. Kevin, you moved to Day Break, in the shadow of that temple and didn't expect this kind of behavior? I worked that area for a long time. Carter and I used to call it, "Misdemeanor Hell" because of all the privilaged, smug, rich, Mormons who had plea bargined their felony charge down to a misdemeanor, and felt that having PO's show up at their house was beneath them. I have a Cuban flag I'll loan you. I bought it so I could be just like that old, Charlie Daniels song, "He's a freind of those long haired hippie type, pinko, fags. I bet he's even got a commie flag tacked up on the wall inside of his garage." With the flag up, I'm TOTALLY THAT guy! And you could say you were close to the In N' Out Burger instead of the temple!

  6. I'd take the flag down and hang up "found" posters for it around the neighborhood.

    To these people the flag is a lot like the baby Jesus, only even more important. -

  7. WTF? So is there is a city ordinance that states that only the 'meriken flag can be flown?

  8. Wow! I would take down that PA flag and hang up a hot lacy bra -- a black one -- and if anyone commented, I would tell them it was the best place to dry my underwear ... so it would have that clean and fresh outdoor smell. Should comply with code. A bra is not a flag, dagnabbit.

  9. I work with a jerk who would pull that kind of crap in a heart beat! He constantly is up on his high horse looking down on everyone when it really is him who is the most pathetic of everyone I work with.

    This kind of thing bugs the hell out of me and I'm sorry it had to happen to you guys.

  10. Haha. People have got some awesome ideas. I like CD's idea of hanging a bra out to dry on it. Maybe some mormon "garments"? lol

  11. Curmudgeon, your comment that you are as much a citizen of the world and of humanity as you are an American put me in mind that the Emperor Marcus Aurelius once said, "We should not say ‘I am an Athenian’ or ‘I am a Roman’ but ‘I am a citizen of the Universe.’"

    I miss Marcus. Oddly enough, he was not known to sneak into folk's yards in order to replace their flags.
